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Datalink Mapping - SoldToTitle missing

Our SalesForce implementation uses a non-standard field for "Title", so we have to map this field in QuoteWerks.

We do not use "Ship to" in QuoteWerks, only "Sold to". However, there is no "Sold To Title" in the drop down for the mapping! "Ship To Title" is there, but not "Sold To Title"

The only workaround I've been able to find is to map the "Ship To Title" and then manually copy/paste it into the correct field every time we do a quote, like this: 


It should be simple to add the "SoldToTitle" to the drop-down list!

QW just isn't expecting you to do this, as you've found out, for various reasons.

A very simple script would achieve this automatically for you; not requiring you to (remember to!) do this manually each time.

Either immediately after the contact is selected, or on something like hitting save, it would copy (or cut) whatever value is in ShipToTitle and paste it into SoldToTitle. This gets you your result, albeit via a small bit of custom code.

Short video attached showing this in action.


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Ok, thanks Matt. I'm sure I can figure out the scripting, it will just take a little research since I've never done this within QW before. I appreciate your help, but it still seems that for the time to write the script, they could just as easily add this in the field mapping drop-down list

There are various considerations around writing to the SoldTo fields, unfortunately.

What would work for you would cause havoc for others, unfortunately.

It took me 1 minute to amend an existing script to do what is shown in the video.
Do reach out if you want it.

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