Can I add my vote to the recurring values in alternate currencies?
QV_AlternateDepositAmount would also be useful, please!
And so would QV_DepositAmountWithTax!
And DH_SoldToMobile, DH_ShipToMobile & DH_BillToMobile please. Thank you!
QV_AlternateAcceptanceTotal too! :)
Steve Siggs
Two requests here, please:
1) These are the links I currently use to find a macro: Online Help, one support ticket, another support ticket. It would be great to have them all in one place, i.e. the Online Help.
2) How about adding some new macros for Recurring values in the Alternative Currency? [DH_&RecurringRevenueAnnualSubtotal] >> [DH_&AlternateRecurringRevenueAnnualSubtotal], [DH_&RecurringRevenueAnnualSubtotalWithTax] >>
[DH_&AlternateRecurringRevenueAnnualSubtotalWithTax], etc.
It is confusing to customers when they see things quoted in one currency and then captions about recurring items in another currency.