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Auto-Sync Quotewerks and QuoteWerks Web Document Files - Etilize Images and Specs

Looking for a way to auto-sync quotewerks web files, since sales people cannot push the pictures to the web, so that it shows the items in quotevalet.

Jonathan Fitzgerald 
 GDS Telecom
 | 1175 Peachtree St., Atlanta, GA 30361
 | 404.762.6010   
Direct | 770.399.7839


I spy a release note... :)

QuoteWerks Web users, there is now a [Refresh] button on the File Links tab of the Quote WorkBook. Use this to synchronize layout, cover page, literature, spec sheet, image, lease rate files, etc. to/from QuoteWerks Web. After the synchronization is performed, the File Links list will be reloaded so that you can see any new files as a result of the synchronization process. Having this button located on the File Links tab is very useful as it lets regular users easily initiate the synchronization of the files when they need to. The Misc Access Rights of "CannotUseQuoteWerksWebSyncUp" and "CannotUseQuoteWerksWebSyncDown" have been added as a way to control user access to this feature. This synchronize and refresh feature can also be accessed with the new [Sync QuoteWerks Web] button on the Print window.

I agree, this would be useful for us as well. 

Same. Not sure why this isn't a thing.

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