I know I can manually add a Text Box in the print layout for example
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But if I want it on more than one print layout I think it would become burdensome to change them all every week or month.
Are there any "global" fields I could add to selected print layouts were I could change the wording anytime I want and it affect all print layouts with that field.
Best Answer
Matt Rose (matt@prestigequoting.com)
about 7 years ago
Alternatively, Tools > Options > Company - you have CompanyMessage1 and CompanyMessage
Designed for exactly this type of scenario.
You can then display these fields on your template(s).
Rick Jester
I know I can manually add a Text Box in the print layout for example
20% off ladders this month
But if I want it on more than one print layout I think it would become burdensome to change them all every week or month.
Are there any "global" fields I could add to selected print layouts were I could change the wording anytime I want and it affect all print layouts with that field.
Alternatively, Tools > Options > Company - you have CompanyMessage1 and CompanyMessage
Designed for exactly this type of scenario.
You can then display these fields on your template(s).
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Sorted by Oldest FirstRick Jester
Sorry I think I found it, Document, Custom Text
Matt Rose (matt@prestigequoting.com)
Alternatively, Tools > Options > Company - you have CompanyMessage1 and CompanyMessage
Designed for exactly this type of scenario.
You can then display these fields on your template(s).
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